Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Believe in somebody

Here is a short article from today's internet news:

Johnny Depp is talking about how he loves Tim Burton "like a brother".

I have to agree that Tim Burton was right to beleive in Johnny Depp and it may be true that Depp would could have ended up as a minor leage actor if it wasn't for Edward Scissorhands but nobody could ever know that for sure.

Johnny Depp does seem to have a unique acting ability that made him perfect for the Edward Scissorhands and Maddhatter (Alice in Wonderland) roles.   Personally, I never bought  into the Pirates of the Caribbean as much as the general public and I thought the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was already magical enough that it couldn't be outdone.

Regardless of all that, the news story reminds me how important it is to believe in  the people that you are supposed to and also be loyal.

I remember a science teacher I had in 7th Grade named Mrs Willis.   For some strange reason she believed in me even when I wasn't participating or engaging in her class at all.  Somehow she turned me from a disinterested knucklehead 13 year into a kid who believed he was capable of making an A in her class.  I don't know why she did it but it still brings a tear to my eye to think about her. She is a ture hero.  Another guy I wish I could go back and thank was Mr Martinson who was the junior high school orchestra teacher who didn't pay attention to how I potrayed myself at the time and instead was extremely patient.  Looking back, I wish I could have appreciated him at the time the way I do now.  He was an older guy and I am sure he has passed on now but I can only imagine how many people's lives he touched.

So the lesson for today is to appreciate and believe.  I hope I pay attention and get it right.

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