Thursday, December 30, 2010

exit through the gift shop

We watched a documentary a couple of nights back. Click this link to find out about the DVD from IMDB.COM:

It was about a french guy in California who filmed everything in his life and he got interested in filming street art. He eventually met one of the biggest and baddest street artists of all; a guy who street name of "banksy" but kept his identity secret.
Eventually the french guy gets the idea to do his own street art and sell it at a huge art show that he promoted. At the end, the other street artists seemed to be not so happy with the french guy but in my opininion he didn't do anything except expose how much of a contrived situation art shows can be.
If you can print up some art an sell it for a million dollars, I will take my hat off to you. Especially if you want to hit it with some spray can paint and make it worth $24,000 and I still get to keep the hat.

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