Thursday, December 23, 2010

38977 and counting (or clicking)

I just checked saw the "views" number on my Youtube video account has something like 38,977 views and it made me think.

I wonder how many of those were actual views. It could have been me just clicking on each video all those times and I don't have any views at all. How dissapointing is that? I also wonder how many complete views there are. Most of my videos are longer than what is recommended for getting the highest number of hits but I don't care.

Besides that, I don't have much to say except Happy Festivus you all and to all a good night. Also happy new year and whatever else blows your skirt up.

You know, being alive is a cool thing. We are all going to die at some point but it is pretty amazing while it lasts. Don't think about it too hard or it will make your brain hurt.

Speaking of making your brain hurt, I just heard someone on TV talking about Jermain Jackson having two kids, one of them is named JerMagesty. Hopefully that won't mess him up too bad. The other thing is that his Uncle Randy, Jermaine's brother is also the father of Jermasty's half sibling. I don't remember if it is a boy or a girl but Randy was married to the woman first and had a child, then Jermaine stepped in to make it a "family affair" and have two children of his own. It made my brain hurt to think about it but I finally figured it out that they are still just both uncles and the kids are both cousins and half brothers and sisters. How freaky is that? Talk about a Sister Cousin.

I don't know how I got off into that but sometimes you have to wonder. This isn't the kind of thing you see at Walmart unless of course you are in the TV department and the Jerrry Springer show comes on. I guess Jerry is still in business but he seems to have gone downhill.

As I told you already, Not much to report on. Except I am making plans to travel to Europe in 2011. It looks like we will be in London, Amsterdam, Germany, Beljum, and France. I plan to eat some chocolate in Beljum (however you spell it) and maybe have a cup of coffee in Amsterdam if I have time. I don't think I am going to climb the stairs to get on the Eifel Tower. I think it will be good enough just to look at it and maybe eat some french pastry. Maybe I will borrow someone's dog so I can take it in a restaurant. I have never been there before and I would like to check out some of the historic sites. I know up there around the Black Forest is where the battle of the bulge took place and there is supposed to be a really cool museum somewhere around there but I am going to have to do some geography homework so I can pretend like I am with it.

OK that is enough for now.

Please go away and come back some other time.

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