Wednesday, April 04, 2012

couldn't even hurt a flea (even when I tried)

This past winter here in Houston was mild.  We didn't have a hard freeze that I remember and that means we will probably have plenty of misquitoes and fleas this year.   I am already noticing that the fleas are worse than normal.  We have some large shrubs that have attracted quite a few birds.  I am not a flea expert but I think they bring fleas with them. 

Last night I tried a little flea hunting experiment.   I read on the internet that you could make a flea trap using a candle and a dish of soapy water.   The idea is that the fleas will jump towards the heat and land in the soapy water.  It was suggested to be used indoors but I wanted to try it in the kennel area that extends from our patio.  It is not a kennel but more of a small wire fence that keeps our dogs from running to the edge of the yard and waking up the neighbors when we let them out at night to do thier business. 

I found a flat pan and filled it with soapy water and put a candle in the middle of it and placed it in the middle of the kennel.  I lit the candle and turned off the light  and went inside to allow time for my enginious plan to work.  I checked after about an hour and couldn't see any fleas but I decided to be patient and left the candle buring overnight.  This  morning I was all excited and went out with my reading glasses so I could get a good view of all the fleas that I had killed.  There was one June Bug and some miscellanous small gnat looking bugs and maybe one that looked like a flea but I wasn't sure.  I then dumped the soapy water in the yard, threw away the small pile of candle wax and ate a bowl of cheerios.

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