Sunday, May 23, 2010

BP gambles with the Gulf

I do not what I am hearing on the news about the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It turns out that the volume of crude oil that is being released at the Gulf floor has been grossly understated. It also makes me more cynical about the fact that BP has been using toxic Chemical Dispersants to help the oil not all come to the surface so there are no accurate pictures to put on the news.

BP gambled with our Gulf of Mexico from the very beginning. They did not spend the money to have a plan in place to deal with a worst case scenario. They also gambled with the idea that if they dipersed the oil, they would be able to cap the leak. Didn't happen.

I would say that they have gambled and lost twice but that isn't really the case for the people making the Corporate decisions. They Gambled but they will not be the losers. They will most likely be set for life.

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