Friday, July 20, 2012

the better Sherlock

A couple of years back, Guy Richie directed a Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downy Jr. playing the lead characater.  I looking forward to seeing it but when I did it was hugely disapointing.  It may be a good movie but I didn't care for it at all.  They seemed to miss the essense of Sherlock Holmes altogeather.

The PBS version called "Sherlock" which has just recieved 13 Emmy nominations is another story altogether.   This is a good one.  It is a modern sherlock who has the resources of the internet at his fingertips via his i-phone.  The Dr. Watson character is played by a guy who was the "Jim Halpurn" in the origional English version of "The Office".

Now this here is some good tv.

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