Wednesday, April 15, 2009

back yard almanac

Above is a picture from today of garden#1. Everything has sprouted except the squash that would be in the closest row. The bigger ones are green beans and the three rows this side of the beans are tomatoes. Then the next two closer rows are cucumbers. The row to the left of the beans and near the owl is peas. On the other side of the beans, there are a couple of short rows lettuce and spinach.

The one above that is Garden#2 which is all sprouted also. I planted a different variety of squash and those are the ones with the biggest leaves. The closer row has cantaloupes and the back two are water melons. Please don't send any cards or letters. I already know there is not enough space but I am wanting to experiment with it just in case society goes to chaos and I only have a small patch of ground to work with and just happen to have a good supply of seeds.
The plants in the pots are all from the garen sprouts. The hardest ones to transplant are the lettuce since they are so fragile. If they don't take, I still have plenty more thinning to do and will try when they are bigger.
Rock On.

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