Sunday, October 17, 2010

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the room

Here is the movie trailer for a documentary I just watched on Netflix:

Being from Houston, I found it kind of interesting. The Enron story is pretty much about human nature. People will rationalize just about anything if it is presented to them in the right way and they get a paycheck in the process. It seems to be a universal theme that greedy arogant assholes always claim excellence. Some things never change.

Basically, it wasn't much different than your average street hustle but just on a much bigger scale. Of course the guys at the top claimed they didn't know anything but they did end up in handcuffs at the end of the show.

Lucky for the surviving Enron Execs that this didn't happen a couple of hundred years ago. The Texans back in the day would have just tarred and feathered the scoundrels and moved on.

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