Tuesday, June 20, 2006

More Complete Noise

Howdy Folks,

The Big News from the band is that I have come up with a way to play the Hi-Hat or Symbol using a contraption I designed.

The last big breakthrough was adding the bass drum which I considered to be a big deal at the time. As far as the sound, It was probably a bigger deal when I got the better bass drum. The first one was a piece from of a beginner set that I bought on Ebay.

Lately though, I have found myself pondering for extended periods trying to find a way to add symbols to the ongoing mix without taking away from the guitar or other sounds. I am basically out of limbs & really don't want to have to use un-natural or odd movements to play. I don't want the focus to be on a freak show. I know from experience that as far as live performance, the novelty of the one-man-band will only last so long. It has to sound good.

But back to the pondering. I really have just sat and thought about this quite a bit & really had nothing. The wierd thing was that I was just relaxing at home Sunday & without really thinking about it just started working on the stand & drum stick. All of the sudden I had it.

It is a very simple design & instead of using a spring to pull the drum stick back, It uses gravity. I drilled a hole in the stick where there was more weight behind it than in front & ran a piece of coat hanger wire through it and taped it to a stand. Then I just attached a piece of string to the the stick and at the other end tie it to the bass drum pedal. I think Isaac Newton would have gotten a kick out of it.

The sound difference is not completely subtle but the small addition of a symbol at the right spot in the beat is huge.

I am going to use it Thurday at Whiskys Pub in Galvestown and am really excited about it.

The other thing I like about is the image. There will be a drumstick hitting a symbol just off to the right. It looks kind of like something from the Adams Family.

I have conceptualized a way to also add another drumstick but I am going to work with this set-up for a little bit before I do that.

I have decided to take the floor tom out of the mix for the time being. Partly becuase I don't use it that much & also because it doesn't fit as easy with my new symbol striker contraption. It is also bulky to transport & I am trying to make my set up and break down a little less taxing.

If all this useless information is putting you to sleep, then enjoy your nap.

Thanks & Blah, Blah, Blah!

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