Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Plight and Fight

First the Plight. As you may have heard on the news, we had some more rain yesterday and it caused some flooding to the point that several local school districts cancelled class. It wasn't a problem for my commute but the underpass at I-10 and the west belt. That area always floods but this time it was bad enough for news crews to show up and also for people driving by on the freeway to act like idiots and pull over and act like it was a big party.

It wasn't much of a problem for Garden #2 which has the melons and squash but Garden Number one got hit pretty hard. The Spinach and Lettuce that were starting to come back got pretty much obliterated and the peas were hit pretty hard also. The mounds of dirt I had created pretty much all got flattened out and quite a few roots were exposed on the tomato and cucumber plants. Still, It looks like it will probably come back if we can get a break from the heavy rains. I will just have to wait and see.

Today, K-Love, one of my co-workers and friends, decided to head over to Sams Diner to get a Hamburger. As we drove up the feeder street to the turn-around/underpass, I noticed one of the local hobo street people walking across the street. There was a guy on the right side of the street who had a cardboard sign and was working the traffic. There are about 8 or 10 lcal hobos in this area. They all pretty much look like homelesss people and I had never thought about the fact that they all happened to be white but the New Dude that was working the corner on the right was a black guy. The white guy had long hair and a beard and walked up to the Black guy and it was pretty obvious that he was being aggressive. He started raising his hands and trying to intimitdate the black dude. It was pretty clear that he was telling him to get off the corner. He raised his hands a few time and made some agressive type motions but did not touch the new guy. The new guy then kind of repositioned his stance, threw a fake with his left and then came across with a Right and the white street guy was on the ground. It wasn't a true knock-down as far as official scoring. He did hit him but the guy also tripped backwards and did catch his fall with his hands and came back up. He backed away a good distance and continued with the verbal assault so the new guy walked on towards him and at that point horns were honking and we had to move on. Off to the left a group of the local orignals had come out from under the underpass and were just watching thier friend get his ass kicked.

We then took the U-Turn and came around to the other side of the freeway and I see all kinds of flashing lights and vehicles about a quarter mile down the road. There were news crews and also many curious bystanders. It was the location where a 43 year old hispanic man accidentally turned right into the cement drainage culvert which is pretty deep. Apparantly it was flooded and he thought he was turning onto the street but instead ended up in the water. They found his body today and you can read about it in the news. It is really sad to think about how out of the blue, this guys life was just over.

After we ate and were headed back to the office, I asked K-Love if he wanted to drive by and have a look to see if the black dude was still there with his cardboard sign. He actually was very positive about the idea so we drove on. It turned out he was still there and we pulled up and K-Love handed him a couple of bucks and let him know it was for the right hook. It was a pretty clear that the other poeple were being fairly nasty to him and it was good to see that he stood his ground.

That is all for now.

Please get some sleep. It is good for your health.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

a total crock!

First of all, there is on first of all. I am just typing this in here to feed your obsession to know every little thing about me.

Yesterday I was at HEB, my favorite neighborhood grocery store, checking to see what they had on special that I could barbeque. They usually have something so I try to go with the flow. This week they had pot roast. It looked like a good deal but I didn't really have a good pot to cook it in. I decided that I would just pass on the bbq idea for this weekend and didn't really give it much though.

Fast forward to the checkout counter at JC Penny out on 99 on the way home from Red Lobster. The guy was so excited. When I told hime that we had never had a Crock Pot before he said "You are going to love it". I told him that I was going to stop on the way home and buy a potroast. He seemed to get even more excited. He said I had to stab it with a knife and put garlic cloves in it and then cook it in a bottle of wine. We got the cooker becuase it was a good deal; Only $19.95 after mail in rebate. Don't get me started on mail in rebates. Besides it makes me feel like I got a better deal to assume I will get the $10 check in the mail some day in the futre.

Well of course I drove staight to HEB and bought the pot roast and a bottle of wine. I cut up some potatoes, carrots, celery, and onions. I put the roast and everything else including a half a bottle of wine in the Crock Pot and set it on low and went to bed.

It was just like a scene in the movies. You know when the life boat scene where they are in a raging storm in the dark of night and it looks hopeless but then they all wake up the next morning in a calm sea. It was just like that except that instead of a life boat, It is a crock pot and instead of the the calming of the sea, it is a cooked pot roast.

Pot Roast! Its what for breakfast!

Now you want to know about the garden. Forget about it. Too much information at one time will cause you to have an overload. Please calm down.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The elements


I know you are here because you are excited to know how the garden is doing. I feel you but I have to talk about somethingelse first.

As my regular blog reader(s) will already know, I made resolution to get caught up with the current century. So yesterday, I broke down and bought an MP3 Player. A friend from work had told me that I could get one for $25 so I got excited about it and decided to make the purchase.

The problem I ran into was that when I went into Best Buy, They didn't have anything for $25 and the sales staff were not that friendly so I left and went to WalMart. When I asked one Best Buy associate where the MP3 players were, He told me "under the MP3 Sign" and pointed. Best Buy seems to have a knucklehead customer service approach.

Fast forward to Walmart eletronics department. No service but at least nobody was a smart ass.

I first chose a 2 GB MP3 player that was $35 made by RCA. I chose it because has the capablity for expanding the memory. After I bought it, I realized that it required AAA bateries and I didn't want to have to fool with that so I found one made by Phillips with 4GB memory but not expandable. This one has a built in rechargable battery and also runs videos. I really don't plan to use the video player but maybe it will come in handy one day if I am ever marketing the one man band to a venue owner or something like that. It also has FM radio and uses the headphones as the antenna. I spent a little time loading some CDs on it and listening to it and I do like it.

I did enjoy sitting in the back yard this afternoon and listening to probably the best version ever of America the Beatiful. It features John Campbell on Slide guitar and Odetta on Vocals with Doctor John on Piano. What an awesome recording.

The good news with the Garden is that all the seeds have sprouted. The bad news is that the Lettuce, which had sprouted nicely , seemed to have taken a real beating with the recent wave of thunderstorms and heavy rain. We needed the rain and I was thinking it wasn't going to be a problem but the lettuce spouts seem to be very fragile. I had trouble trying to transplant them and I am going to wait and see if I have a few that survived.

The summer squash in that is in garden#2 is coming in pretty fast so I placed a couple of plants in containers also and will have to thin it out pretty quick.

That's all for today.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

back yard almanac

Above is a picture from today of garden#1. Everything has sprouted except the squash that would be in the closest row. The bigger ones are green beans and the three rows this side of the beans are tomatoes. Then the next two closer rows are cucumbers. The row to the left of the beans and near the owl is peas. On the other side of the beans, there are a couple of short rows lettuce and spinach.

The one above that is Garden#2 which is all sprouted also. I planted a different variety of squash and those are the ones with the biggest leaves. The closer row has cantaloupes and the back two are water melons. Please don't send any cards or letters. I already know there is not enough space but I am wanting to experiment with it just in case society goes to chaos and I only have a small patch of ground to work with and just happen to have a good supply of seeds.
The plants in the pots are all from the garen sprouts. The hardest ones to transplant are the lettuce since they are so fragile. If they don't take, I still have plenty more thinning to do and will try when they are bigger.
Rock On.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

real life better than Sienfield

Greetings my fellow Sodbusters.

I was out at the garden implements section of my local walmart yesterday and went out to look at the potting soil and noticed that people were driving awfully close by. For some reason people drive through the side of he Walmart parking lot like there are not going to be pedestrians but this was worse than normal. I was focused on the potting mix and garden soil so much that I hadn't noticed two vehicles that were directly behind me that were sitting face to face with each other about 2 feet apart. I then noticed 3 walmart employees standing on the side walk and the top boss of them all (somehow it was obvious) came up to the guy leaning on the back one of the vehicles which was a pickup truck.

The manager lady walked up to him and asked if she could help him. He told her that they had a "situatoin". At this point I was only pretending to look at the potting soil and was as focused on the "situation" as I could be with out looking obivious.

It turns out that the guy in the truck had pulled over to go around someone or for someother reason was driving on the "wrong" side of the parking lot lane and he had come face to face with a lady in a car who wanted him to get out of the way. I didn't get to see the initial face off but I would imagine that the walmart people reviewed on tape.

As far as the guy with the truck, He was a black dude about 40 to fifty years old and the expression on his face when the manager walked up was what reminded me of the sienfeld episode. There was a scene where George was parking his car on the street below Jerry's apartment and another guy was backing in at the same time. George and the other guy both had thier cars angled in about halfway into the spot.

The difference between the Walmart scene and sienfield was that Goerge and this other guy were actually trying to get a tangable thing, the parking space. I know it is tough to find parking in NY City. But back here at the Walmart, They really had a dispute about nothing. It was only about being right and both were stubborn enough to take a halt from thier rest of thier lives to get this dispute resolved to thier own best interest.

The manager lady did show me why it is she is a manager. She made a smart decision to not go in and tell anybody to do anything. She actually told the guy that he was welcome to keep his car parked there as long as he wanted to. She then walked over the the lady in the car. She younger than the guy. Maybe 30 and was in a small car. The lady in the car was getting into the specifics of who was right and how the guy was on the wrong side of the lane and so forth and the manager lady at the end told her that it was with in her (car ladys) power to resolve the situation and she did not need any help from her (manager lady).

What was smart was that the Manager Lady did not paint herself into a corner. She did not make the situation worse by trying to express that she was in authority and then tell anybody to actually do anything. She avoided confrontation.

She then went back over to the dude in the truck and spoke to him some more and then she walked back into the store. As she was walking, he got in his truck and pulled around.

Good Job Walmart Manager Lady.

Now back to my exciting gardening news. Please keep in mind this is not as bad as posting about being on a diet. I know the difference between boring and rude thank you.

I did purchase 5 small plastic pots and some potting mix. I also mixed in some Miracle Grow Garden soil. I know you re not supposed to used the topsoil as potting mix but the Miracle grow potting mix was too expensive. I just bought the walmart version of some miacle grow plant food to add later.

I did fill three of the pots and put some of the excess cherry tomato plants from the garden. I needed to thin the cherry tomatos anyway since it looks like just about all the seeds sprouted. I also bought a package of seeds for garlic flavored chives and will probably plant those in a pot today.

In other exciting news, The lettuce I planted last week sprouted a couple of days ago and this morning I saw that the spinnach and peas have started to sprout also. Nothing yet with the squash, watermellon, or cantalope seeds.

My plan at this point is to put some of the spinach and lettuce in pots also becuase they will need some seriouls thinning out and more space than what is currently allocated the garden.

It is kind of exciting to see the seeds coming up.

I did have a run in with the elements already. Mt neighbors Cat came around and dug up a spot and killed a couple of the cucumber plants but he did actually help by adding some fertilizer.

I decided to get seme plastic drinking water bottles (individual size) and place them in the valleys between the rows. I figured it would make the cat less comfortable walking around and digging. It has seemed to work so far.

Then this morning we had some heavy rains for about half an hour. They have passed through and it looks like nothing washed out. It does make me think about how it was for the people in the old days who were farmng becuase they had to. I can also see why that country people are more likley to shoot a critter woutout thinking twice.

I have a plastic owl that I bought a while back and I placed it on the ground next to the garden. I know that is not going to be enough and when the time comes I have already decided to make a couple of scare crows. I may not know what I am doing but I can promise you that I am not fooling around. Go ahead and look over my fence and laugh at my scarecrows. It isn't going to deter me one iota. I am not going to move my car!

That is it for now but we will be back soon with more exciting details.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Farming on the Katy Prairie

Hey Farmhands and Buckaroos. I just saw a Burger King Commerical about square butts. I don't get how that will sell whoppers but maybe it is another clue that I am getting old.

Here is a breakdown:

I have a AAA membership. I bought it when I was doing the one man band gigs and driving to Galveston every Sunday. I got the extra coverage that covers towing up to 100 miles.

I have two Chihuahuas. A sure sign of old age. Still, They are cool dogs.

I now enjoy Gardening.

I want an RV.

I guess all that is left is to start eating dinner at 4pm to miss the dinner rush.

Now back the the Garden. As you can see from the picture it was not very big so I expanded it and also dug up another area on the other side of the yard. I will take some pictures and post them here if I think about it. I know it isn't exciting to see a small garden planted by someone who knows very little about gardening but what are you gonna do?

In Garden Area #1 I added more space and planted more seeds; Spinach, Lettuce, Peas to go along with the Cucumbers, tomatos, and green beans.

In Garden Area #2 I planted 2 varieties of Watermelon, Cantalopes, and some more summer squash but a different variety than in garden#1.

Like I said, I don't know what I am doing. I just bought 3 more bags of the Miracle Grow garden soil and mixed it in with the existing topsoil. My plan was to plant several different things and just see which ones grow well.

I already know that I did not properly plan the garden and there is not near enough space so I will have to do some thinning out and maybe transplant some of the plants to buckets or something.

In other news:

I got a new guitar. I know I had posted sometime back that I was looking at the Epiphone Casino and was plannng to buy it at Fullers Vintage Guitars. I still want the Casino but I decided I would actually get more use of of a new acoustic.

I picked up a Talor 210E (one, not mine, is pictured above) It is an awfully nice sounding guitar that plays well and I am really enjoying it.

I went to Guitar Center first and was planning to go to Fullers but I had a 10% off coupon and the guitar did come with a case also so I bought it. The one thing I started thinking about is that this particular Guitar Center is where I go when I am buying Strings, Harmonicas, tubes, and other misc items and the people at the accessory counter have taken good care of me & I felt like that was worth something & I actually took a moment to go over and tell them why I made my guitar purchase there without shopping around anymore.

Thanks for checking in. Keep the cards and letters coming in, and I will try to hold up my end of the bargain with some truly fascinating garden photos in the not too distant future.

Happy Gardening to all and to all a good night!